Thursday 26 March 2009

One year ago

One year ago, day by day, I was flying. Flying away.

Away from the old Europe, back to Africa. This time to the Southern part of the continent, what was for me terra incognita.

Lands that once again embraced me in the most welcoming fashion. There I saw both the greatest meanings and the meaningless meanness of humanity all. Together in the same physical space, confronted right in face of each other. The dignity regained by all those who had been humiliated for so long. The same dignity subtly or abruptly kidnapped by some who gained it without learning the value of it, without learning the need to treasure, honour and protect it.

Yes, I suffer from the "mal d'Afrique". It has little to do though with the usual pain of those who plunge into deep sadness when holidays are over. It has to do rather with the bruises and wounds left into my very soul by being exposed to and having being part of so blatant contradictions. Those that arise from trying to do something to make things better for all with one hand, while the other hand is forced to hold onto all what is making things worse. Those that come from witnessing the most unfair suffering combined with the greatest indifference, if not the greatest scorn, living door by door. And there is much more.

All this will not prevent me from continuing to celebrate the miracle of life in lands touched by a kind of spirituality that I never found anywhere else. Where you feel part of the land and the people. Where you feel the ubuntu in all its deepness.

Nor it will prevent me from wanting to be back there so badly.

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